After an intense summer the time to go back to school has arrived. The following tips might help you get back into the winter routine:
- Adapt progressively to the new schedules so that the first early start doesn’t coincide with the first day back at school and that way, sleep patterns are eased back into their routine progressively.
- Prepare everything that the children need with them and encourage them to be positive. Talk about the new school year they are about to start or how great it will be to see their friends again, whilst you involve them in picking out their new bags, books, pencils, crayons..etc This is a good method to reduce their possible anxiety and help them get back into school life with joy and optimism.
Organize your childs workspace so that they have somewhere specific and addapted to them, where they can do their homework.
- Plan a schedule that allows you to balance the needs and preferences of your children with your work demands, without forgetting that children are children and need time off for relaxing and playing.
- Establish rules for the use of the TV, internet and videogames so that they don’t become an inconvenience when it comes to doing homework.
Take an interest in how their morning went, this transmits a positive message to your children and helps to improve communcation with them allowing you to detect possible problems or difficulties.
- Be patient above all else because it’s normal that they feel a little lazy and negative when facing new school routines after 2 months of sun and games. Plan attractive activities to do as a family at the weekends to compensate for the routines and obligations of school.