Hogwards, the experience of living on a houseboat

It has the shape of a house but it is a boat.  It has the shape of a boat but it is a house.  The question is in understanding what it is because for months this ship that is a house and house that is a ship has been moored in the port of Mahon.  In Discovery Menorca we were lucky enough to have the opportunity of meeting its creator and owner, Miguel Carrion, who explained what is behind Hogwards.


“If it looks like a boat from the outside it is an authentic house inside” says Miguel. “It has a living space of 12 x 4 metres including a living/ dining room, a bedroom with a 1.60m bed and a large bathroom.  It also has three decks, one of which is a large sunbathing deck with barbeque and jacuzzi”.

And as a boat? Miguel Carrion tells us he is cleared to navigate inland waters and is on list 6 which means that it can be rented to third parties and doesn’t need a tourist licence.  Another advantage is that it is a low maintenance boat as it has no hull with thousands of installations and no bilge water.  “It’s buoyancy is provided by two 50 cm draft runners and it has a small engine used for mooring rather than sailing” he explains.

Being able to enjoy this houseboat is a real privilege with the freedom of living almost alone, surrounded by water and falling asleep to gentle rocking. According to Miguel Carrion you can have a houseboat built up to 18 metres with decks in proportion of up to about 6 metres and the inside to your specifications.