Habitat medicine: when radiation occurs in the home.

Geobiology is the discipline that explores the interactions between living beings and the physical earth. This science basically deals with what can affect the health of people and is known as “habitat medicine”. According to geobiology, there are some geopathogenic zones in which people can suffer symptoms when exposed to excessive natural or artificial radiation for a long time.

Artificial radiation can be created by electrical and electronic devices generating electric and electromagnetic fields that can be harmful. The lowest radiation frequencies are those created by the electrical installations in our houses. For this reason it is recommended to limit your use of the appliances, not to leave them plugged in and not to sleep, for example, with a radio alarm clock on the bedside table. More care is needed when considering artificial high-frequency radiation because of neuronal distorters. In particular mobile telephony is the main culprit , coming from outdoor mobile phone antennas or wifi. Scientists recommend sleeping with the wifi turned off and without mobile phones or tablets in the room.

When considering the sources of natural radiation, also important in geobiology, the harmful ones are those coming from telluric networks (Hartmann lines or Curry lines), faults, radon gas or water currents. Geobiologists say they can detect these natural radiations.

The effect of the geopathies can vary depending on the physical condition of each individual but mainly impact on the immune system and the most sensitive parts of our body resulting in discomforts and illnesses: anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, tiredness, cramps, asthma, bronchitis, migraines, neuralgia, circulatory problems, exhaustion and even autoimmune or degenerative diseases.