La Protectora d’Animals de Ciutadella is an independent non-profit making organization with the aim of protecting the rights and welfare of animals. It started operating in the 80s and in 2004, the Insular Council of Menorca, thanks in part to the work it had been doing, opened an Abandoned Animals Shelter Centre, currently managed by a private company.

The association works to raise awareness of abandoned animals by promoting their adoption, castration and good ownership.  There is a shelter that houses more than 130 cats and also dogs from the pound that face being put down.  They rescue more than 100 cats from the streets who arrive sick, are injured or have been run over.  In 2018, 109 cats were adopted.

Its main task is the sterilization of between 300 and 400 feral cats in Ciutadella and Ferreries performing CSE (Capture, Sterilization and Release). This prevents their proliferation, they do not fight, are generally healthier and cause less problems to the locals. They currently have around 130 volunteers helping in different areas such as kennel volunteers, those working at the “cat shelter”, those at fairs and events, those recruiting and disseminating, those who assist injured animals, those who foster and those who help feed the colonies of wild cats etc.

Last year we shared our Solidarity Calendar with them, an initiative of Bonnin Sanso, where pictures of Menorca from a photo competition were used.   The association benefited from this plus an extra donation from Bonnin Sanso to help them to continue carrying out their invaluable work.

Any help is always appreciated. Individuals can become partners with a donation of €40 a year, they can become teamers paying €1 a month or can make specific donations through PayPal or bank transfer (Caixa Colonia ES94 2056 0014111001640125).

Another possible way to help is to foster cats in your own home.