Getting to know ……..Nikolay Dimitrov

Nikolay Dimitrov has been working for a year in the audiovisual department of Bonnin Sanso and is the person in charge of carrying out the recordings of the homes we have for sale.  His talent behind the camera is essential in achieving the spectacular reports with which we promote our properties.  But today we want him to get in front of the camera so we can get to know him a little more and find out about his great passion – volleyball.

“How did you start playing volleyball?”

No specific reason.  The truth is that I saw this sport on television and at that time in my life I had been neglecting playing sport and thought, why not?  I had a friend whose life revolves around sport and I asked him if he knew of a club in Menorca and he said yes.

“And then?”

By chance, when I arrived the first day, I recognized the coach who had been my primary school teacher.  Against all odds he recognized me, and this link meant that over time we became great friends.  His goal was to resurrect a senior men’s team and that’s how the adventure began.

“How long were you in the Balearic First Division?”

It took two years playing to harden me as a player but, like all good things, it came to an end and the team dissolved almost completely and we left the First Division to play in the Second which doesn’t have the same level of demand.

“What got you hooked on volleyball?”

From the very beginning I was hooked on the sport itself, the feelings of playing in a team, the tactics, the necessary physical condition, the mental strength and the ability to maintain concentration in times of tension …… I consider volleyball a very complete and difficult sport.  All these factors and the feeling of brotherhood amongst fellow players made it for me and it became a unique experience.

“And now, what’s it like playing in the Balearic Second Division?”

We have not played a single competition game so far this season but there is a reason (he laughs).  The Balearic Second Division consists, basically, in beating all the teams on your island (Mallorca, Menorca or Ibiza) to qualify for promotion which, in turn, means playing three or four matches in two days to decide who goes up to the Balearic First Division.

“And what happened in Menorca?”

Well, in Menorca, apart from the Es Castell Volleyball Club, the team I play for, there are no more associated rivals and we therefore automatically qualify direct to the promotion phases.

I get it….

It may seem that it is good because you qualify without breaking into a sweat but in reality it is a trap for us as a team.

Firstly, because we do not come together as a team playing games every weekend. Everyone who has competed knows that training is important, but what really makes you grow as a player are the matches. And secondly, BECAUSE WE WANT TO PLAY! There are some players more demanding than others. There are some who if they don’t win don’t feel good at the end of the game. But the vast majority of us, we just want to give our all on the court and concentrate on playing a good game between ourselves.

“Does it happen in all categories?”

No, only in ours. The female categories of children, cadet and youth are lucky to have a lot of players and a rich league in Menorca, where they play every weekend with healthy competition.

“Would you play a new sport?”

At the moment I’m still in love with volleyball. I don’t think about changing, but you never know. Tennis and paddle throws me enough, never missing a meeting with friends to play something different, but the truth is that whenever we go to play something other than volleyball, I know very little.