Menorca, 25 years Biosphere Reserve

2018 and Menorca celebrates the 25thanniversary of its declaration before UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve. It is more than two decades since the 7thOctober 1993 when Menorca was rewarded for its perfect territorial balance between the coexistence of economic activities, the conservation of natural reserves and the preservation of heritage and landscape. 

The sustainable development of Menorca was recognized as was the important diversity of Mediterranean habitats and protected natural areas on the island such as Parc de S’Albufera d’es Grau, Illa d’en Colom, Cap de Favaritx plus the preservation of its coastline with large areas of beaches and virgin coves.

All of Menorca’s municipalities were included in the declaration – well preserved villages in all the areas, the exceptional old towns of Mahon and Ciutadella and the rich prehistoric heritage of the Talaiots and Taules all forming part of a humanized territory with a very rich and traditional rural landscape.

Throughout the year lectures, exhibitions, activities and workshops have been planned to remind us that conservation and maintenance work still needs to be done.  The important step towards greener energy, hydrological self-sufficiency and the reasonable use of water are some of many challenges.

Bonnin Sanso will continue their work in raising awareness of preserving our landscape and respecting our heritage so that future generations can continue to enjoy it.