Real estate market Statistics’ report for 2021 in Menorca

The housing market shows clear signs of a pleasant improvement. Bonnin Sanso’s group has observed a great interest on behalf of our purchasing customers, especially in the sector of the second and third residence and of medium and high profile, and all this, waiting for a British market that has been very affected by Brexit and the pandemic, trusting its return for the sales activity.

We have concluded 2021 with very positive figures, with more than 350 operations, with a superior group’s turnover of more than €90M.

According to the group’s figures, the amounts of the operations that have taken place during 2021 have been a 53% of operations up to €300,000, 16% between €300,000 and €500,000 and the remaining 31% operations over €500,000.

With regards to the nationalities engaged in these operations, 75% have been Spanish vendors, of which 22.7% were Menorcan residents. The remaining 25% ranges between a 13% UK vendors, 3.2% French and the rest, Germans and others.

Likewise, the distribution of  the purchasers’ nationalities has been;  66.6% Spanish, of which 18.2% were menorcan residents, 11.4% French, 6.8% from United Kingdom, 6.5% German and the remaining percentage, Italians and others.

The purchaser’s search preferences and needs have changed due to lock down, generating a great demand for buying a house, according to the figures of the operations settled during 2021, a 40% have been the sale of apartments. The remaining 60% is distributed between villas, plots, houses, farmhouses, parkings and commercial premises, as can be seen in the sector graphic below.

Throughout 2021 Bonnin Sanso’s website has received 5.000.000 visits and more than 400.000 new customers. Mostly from Spain, France, UK, Germany and Italy.

The forecasts for the year 2022 that has just began and the following months are very positive, and everything points to a long-term market stabilization.

To conclude, we wish to thank both vendors and purchasers for, one more year, choosing Bonnin Sanso as their Real Estate Agency of reference and having trusted our group throughout the sales’ process.

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